Being a Teenage Girl

I’ve had heck loads of requests to do a post on generally being a teenager, so here goes.

Being a teenage girl is very confusing, your emotions & life is up and down constantly but I’m just going to address what I think are the major things, teenage girls worry about.

Dare I say that word? Periods aren’t nice, let’s just say that. They effect you emotionally and physically and at the start, are a very challenging time for young girls. They’re nothing to worry about really though, you’re not going to die & if you need any advice, then almost every girl has had a period in their life, so you have no need to feel isolated. Wether it’s a friend, mum, cousin, sister, whoever, they’ll all be there if you have any questions. It’s a natural process.

Boys are a whole new world. A lot of young girls get into relationships and it can end badly, but remember whatever happened between you two happened for a reason. If the person treats you badly, then don’t let them get away with it. Don’t keep it bottled up inside like I did, tell someone, you’ll feel miles better and I can tell you for a fact, they’ve probably felt that way themselves at some point. They can’t be the right person for you if they ever make you feel down. I would suggest concentrating on your friends, family & school work because it’ll take your mind off them, if you’re going through a breakup. Delete all contact you have with him and start a fresh. But most importantly, boys can’t make you do anything you don’t want to do.

School’s, in most people’s opinion, a horrible place where you spend hundreds of the hours of your life. But in fact, school’s where your life starts. You’ll meet new people, find new hobbies and show who you are. I know it doesn’t always seem like the most important thing but honestly, keep on top of your school work. You’ll be repaid with a fantastic future.

Finding yourself
Teenage years are the most hardest of your life in my opinion, you’re surrounded by people who all have an influence on you, not always good, not always bad. The likely hood is that you’ll go through different phases, wether that’s who you’re surrounded by, your music, your clothes, your priorities- it all keeps changing. Some days you’ll just want to sit and cry because you’re unhappy and you don’t know why, that’s ok. You have to remember that every mistake you make, or achievement you work for makes you, that’s how people will remember you. There’s always a chance to change how people think of you however hard you think the challenge would be, you have to not be scared to take it on.

Our generation is hugely affected by social media. You hear all sorts of stories on how social media portrays an imagine of how you ‘should’ look, how you should dress etc. No one can begin to explain how incorrect that is, but not only that; social media also has a massive impact on our lives in the sense that we sit on our phones instead of being sat with our families. I’m a culprit for this, I’ve recently been putting my phone away and been getting involved with my family more. You honestly will notice a difference, you feel happier, you have more fun and you’re not getting embroiled in conversations or circles that you shouldn’t be. You’re interacting and making memories, you have your whole life to sit on the internet having adult-like conversations using adult-like language, only a very small portion of your life is being young. Being young is amazing, you have no responsibilities, even though you may think that sticking to your instagram theme is the most important thing, I can assure you it is not.

Friends will come, friends will go- there’s no doubt in that. I don’t speak to some people I classed as my bestfriends at the start of high school& I’m only in year 9! Recently I’ve split apart from a lot of my ‘close’ friends. I’m concentrating on the select few I need. Like my sister always says, it’s “better to have a handful of trustworthy friends than a load of ones that don’t care”. Being with our friends is fun, we all know that, but at the end of the day the ones who you know will stick by you through everything are your family, give them some attention too. Also, the friends who are there for you as much as you are for them are the ones who will stay in your life with good reasoning. Recent events in my life have definitely shown up who my true friends are that will stick by me and support me where as some others have left me when I most needed them even though I used to class them as my best friends.

I hope this helped even just 1 of you teenage girls, even a boy maybe. I will be soon posting a post about bullying, leading on from this.