Through contact with you guys, I’ve come to the realisation that my Anxiety Disorder story and tips blog has helped a wide range of you. It’s only natural to presume that this is a topic I should cover more.
Lots of people don’t fully understand Anxiety Disorder, many use it in a derogatory thing because they don’t understand the massive part in plays in people’s lives. The dictionary definition states this: “distress or uneasiness of mindcaused by fear of danger or misfortune”.
Let’s strip it right back to what this definition leads us to understand. It implies that anxiety is caused by fear or danger which in many cases it can be. On the other hand, it’s entirely common for anxiety to occur under no circumstance, it can be completely out of the blue.
Anxiety Disorder is a very personal matter but I’m going to try to explain as best I can, some of the aspects. It becomes very overwhelming and almost possessive when you become anxious of everyday situations.
Social Anxiety Disorder is a form in which the body is taken over with fear for things such as talking on the phone or to a shop assistant to being in crowds, persistently, not just feeling shy.
Specific Phobias is a form of anxiety where there’s a high level of fear for one particular situation such as flying in a plane. The fear and panic for these events is the Anxiety.
OCD (Obsessive Compulsary Disorder) is a form of anxiety though many wouldn’t think of it as Anxiety. It is an ongoing and unwanted thought and fear, closely related to germs in many people’s minds.
PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) is the effect of a traumatic experience such as war and assault. Flashbacks are one effect along side the fear and avoidance of doing an activity that reminds you of it.
Panic Disorder is when a person has overwhelming panic attacks resulting in many physical effects.
In general, occurrence of these symptoms for over month can suggest you have Anxiety Disorder of some form.
People can suffer from their personal forms of these main types of Anxiety Disorder I have listed. People can also suffer from a mix of different types of Anxiety Disorder, meaning people can have more than one type of Anxiety.
The reality is, we’re uneducated on topics such as Anxiety Disorders and don’t, therefore, take them as seriously as they are.
Anxiety Disorder is rather common due to all the different forms. Some people have worse effects than others, but all physical and mental affects are scary and not enough people talk about how to deal with them. Isolation with in anxiety does not help at all. There are so many platforms out there to help you and I myself have a blog post on here about my story and how I personally deal with attacks.