My Boyfriend Has Cancer: Chapter 3

This chapter may feel a bit different because some of these things feel so recent to me as I write. I mentioned earlier about how much I’ve learnt about cancer from this, and one of those is the extent of what the disease can affect….

My Boyfriend Has Cancer: And I’m Angry

I think what I initially felt as confusion, was actually anger. The things I was confused about, like: why this, why now, why us? I don’t think that anyone can really blame me for feeling angry about the situation. This is by far the most…

My Boyfriend Has Cancer: Chapter 2

The next step in the process was managing Tom’s severe pain and looking at what treatment would suit him best. Unbeknownst to me, they do this by producing a DNA profile of the individual cancer- don’t ask me for any more detail than that. After…

My Boyfriend Has Cancer: Chapter 1

After months of GP appointments and no answers, Tom found himself in A&E in serious pain. It was made very clear to us that the doctors were looking for cancer, it was just a case of finding it. When Tom texted me that it was…

My Boyfriend Has Cancer: The Preface

This series is an idea that has grown in my head for a while, but now I feel like I actually have things to say. I ran it by Tom, and he thinks any way of helping anyone that might find themselves in this situation…