This series is an idea that has grown in my head for a while, but now I feel like I actually have things to say. I ran it by Tom, and he thinks any way of helping anyone that might find themselves in this situation is “a beautiful idea”. So here blows.
In October, I had just moved to Newcastle for uni. I knew when applying that that was where I needed to be, if I didn’t get into Newcastle, I said I wouldn’t go to uni. So there I found myself, 150 miles away from home after getting an unconditional offer the November before.
So I was in Newcastle, newly single and downloaded Tinder for fun (and hopefully some attention). There I am, about 3 profiles in and there appears Tom, ginger, Geordie and with tattoos. I made the first move, which I don’t let him forget. 24 hours of talking later, we go for drinks and as soon as I see him walk towards me, I knew immediately that this boy was going to play a huge part in my life. From that night we’ve basically been together, speaking all the time and seeing each other each week, until he finally asked me to be his girlfriend in December. Big deal, he’d never asked anyone before.
Since just after we met, Tom was quite obviously not very well. Things steadily got worse and in January, Tom was diagnosed with skin cancer at 19.
I have no idea how many chapters there will be to this. I have planned chapters of the story but also may throw in extras about things I have felt along the way, and anything anyone wants me to think about and discuss. So I guess the next thing you’ll read is Chapter 1, finding out the diagnosis and coming to terms with that.
Thank you to anyone following this journey. Tom, his family and I have been genuinely overwhelmed with support and love. Thank you for taking time to read this, and if this helps just one person, I will be so pleased. And if not, this will hopefully be a good outlet and a way to organise my emotions.
I’m not just writing this to help people close to someone who has skin cancer. I hope this can reach and help anyone who may have found out about a long term health condition, someone with their own battle, or anyone who wants to learn about seeing positives in the most unimaginable situations.